Sunday, August 14, 2011

An Eye Witness for an 'Awesome Meteor Shower Display'

           This blog is an update to my previous blog "Perseids Meteor Shower, is it real?".

        It was 11:00pm and I asked my mom if she would like to come with us and observe. She had no idea what I was talking about, so I made her read my blog. Too bad, that my blog did'nt boost her energy up, she said, NO! I was thinking of where should we stay to see the display better. I thought of the motor home, and so I asked John (my stepdad) if we can. Again, too bad,  he didn't let us because he thought we might break the roof of the motor home and hurt ourselves if  we stay up all night. Hahaha ☺. But he said something about trying the roof of the house. Thats it! At 11:30pm my sister and I got the things that we needed to make it to the roof. We had these set-up

 in an attempt to make it on the roof. Yet again, too bad, WE FAILED.

               My sister saw a meteor! I was desperate to settle on a place to see one too! There! we decided to stay on the frontyard. We lay down and stared at the sky. -tic-toc-tic-toc-. A shooting star! My sister already saw 7 shooting stars (meteors) and me? Oh well! NONE.

          It is a lot harder than I thought it would be. And I mean A LOT HARDER.  I didn't really realize how wide and huge the sky was until then . I could stare at the sky all night and not even see one. My neck already hurt and it was cold. I was thinking of giving up when a shooting star passed by on the direction I was looking at. Hoo-Ray! It made me pretty excited. 1 hour later, I was getting sleepy and suggested that we move to the backyard and stay on the trampoline.

            It was fun observing the meteors flying across the sky and I already saw 9 of them and I really wanted to see more clear shooting stars! But my eyes were getting tired and I told my sister I will be sleeping. I am not good at star gazing and shooting star observing  and my sister was really good! She saw more than 22 I guess. Good for her though and also for me (eventhough I only saw 9) atleast I saw and witness the trueness of the perseids meteor shower.

             Now I can totally say as an eye witness that 'The Perseids Meteor Shower" is true. Proving God's sovereignty and how powerful, creative and limitless He is.
 Have you witness this event too?