Friday, December 16, 2011

I am still alive and I am still breathing

The head title said it all. I'm still here just so you guys know. I'm still doing my thing to improve the quality of life both emotionally and spiritually.

Guess what?? I've got a job! And guess what again? It is one of the things that is keeping me busy now-a-days. Notice, 'one' of the things.. I have a lot of things going on in my life right now beside having a job. I've been working on making my spirituality strong, sharing my time more in the field ministry(which I signed-up as continuos auxiliary). That being said, I am much closer with my current congregation,(atleast the RPs).

Being busy helps you to cope with a lot of distress. Specially during winter time, when the snow is falling and staying on the ground, when it is cold and the sun keeps on hiding, and when days are dreary and gloomy. So,, these are my reasons why I can't keep up my blogs for the past few months, as well as me not having any idea on what to write on. Which is probably has the most part on why I wasn't composing blogs. :-)

Anyways, let us wait and see if I can have the leisure time to accompany my blogger site for the next month or so. But I assure you it won't be my priority, there are more important things in life than this-if you know what I mean-. ;-)

Until then. . . . . <3

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