Thursday, August 11, 2011

Forgive and Forget

           Isn't it easier said than done? Well, I'm assuming that nobody would disagree with that. A lot of times it seems that we feel that some people take pleasure when we are having a hard time or difficulties (or atleast I know I do). It is really not a pleasant feeling at all and you try your best to just ignore it. But are we ignoring the mistakes or sin of that particular person and letting it all go or are we ignoring it but still wait till our glass of patience becomes full and just decide that we are not gonna let it go?
          Well, let me share what I learned from this talk that I have heard last month July 24, 2011- Sunday Public Talk. It was entitled "Do You Harbor Resentment or Do You Forgive?"

           I had no idea what harbor and resentment meant at that time (I don't have much of an english vocabulary words anyways ^^, ). The good thing was that the speaker explained what those words mean so that was a plus right there.
Resentment- more than an anger, it is more of grinding ones teeth.
Harbor- to provide a place of protection.
 So it was laid easy for me. With a snap of a finger, right there and there, I understand what the title really means. "Do you provide a place of protection for your raging anger or do you forgive?". That's how I saw the title.
         The speaker was very good and he made me relate to what he was talking. I harbor resentment myself, I'm not gonna hide it, so the talk really struck me. And it was refreshing and enlightening.

Let me just list what thought I liked from the talk and got stuck on my head.::
(I turned the thought into a first person so that I could really put myself on the situation)

* I DO NOT have the right to harbor resentment because my imperfection is as big or bigger than the person I am resenting.

* If I am offended and I take offensive actions or vengeance, I am being stupid. → [Ecclesiastes. 7:9]

* Jehovah God is looking for opportunities to forgive me, and I should too.-- [Psalms 103:9→ He will not for all time keep finding fault]

* If I don't worry too much, then, I am not gonna get offended, remember, that I offended somebody else too.-- [ Ecclesiastes 7:21,22→ Also do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak]

* If I burst out in anger because of what my friend sin against me, it will be no longer my friend's sin but mine already and is bigger than the original sin my friend has done to me. --[ Proverbs 29:20,22→ There is more hope for someone stupid than for him who beheld a man hasty with his words.]

* Forgive the person and show it. . . I should forgive someone first to be able to apologize to them.

*FORGIVE AND FORGET- I can't forget the thing thing that was done to me by that person, but the point is I should be able to forget the pain and move on.

               I realize how stupid I was to hold grudges against my friends and some of them are even older than me. I asked myself after, "what benefits does animosity has given me?". I felt aweful and very stubborn and decided to make changes.
            I've been trying my best to live up with those things that I heard and I admit it is hard because I'm not used to apologizing especially when my mind is set that I have done nothing wrong. I sometimes post statuses on Facebook that I think would make them feel guilty, sorry or even angry. Like this:

"I would most definitely let her know how I feel and would somehow reveal it in a 'bold way'. Trust me, I mean 'BOLDLY' (if small thing is not gonna make her notice me and my apology)".

But after a lot of thinking on what is really my goal, I took it back and removed it. And tried not to post double meaning messages. It is not easy but IT CAN BE DONE.
       I haven't been very successful with the apologizing field with one particular person. That person still won't talk to me and I assume that person has not accepted my apologies still. What else could  I possibly do? Well, I am just wishing, hoping and praying that time would make that person's heart softer.

       I hope you (the reader) realize something and benefited while reading my blog. And more power to all your efforts.



  1. i love it girlette! ...just dont lose hope...he/she will accept it soon...maybe she/he already had but still waiting for the pain to go away...iba iba kasi tayo ng level ng coping...may mabilis may mabagal, right? pasulungin natin ang ating waiting attitude kasi sa maraming bagay tayo magbebenifit.maraming situation ito applicable...nakakaintindi ka pa ba ng tagalog?wehehehehehhehehe! - unpretty girlash

  2. OO naman po ate gurlash! nakakaintindi at nakakapgtype pa ng tagalog. ewan ko lang sa punto kung sounds tagalog o bisaya na ba ako. hehehe. I'm glad that you liked (loved pala hehe) it po.
    Yes, maybe po, Im just hoping for the best outcome that I could possibly imagine na lang. I will stop bugging them and wait na lang. hehehe..

    Thank You Po Ulit sa encouraging thought and moral support. ♥

  3. I often heard that resentment but never relate it to harbor, now I learned those from here. but more than a year I learned to forgive and put anger to other side despite of pain and tears, i have to consider many things, the people and the situations. and nowadays it made me realize how much good it is to be part of Jehovah's organization. and I never notice how much it changed my life until this painful incident happened to us. Every kingdom meeting always bringing hope, peace and happiness to everyone. And those meetings, public talks, greetings of brothers and sisters, their encouraging advises and sympathy are the reasons for me to keep moving on with positive thoughts, strength and hope to move forward with the way leading to Jehovah. And what you shared Ida is one of the encouragements to be consider always.
