Saturday, June 30, 2012

Clatter and Mess....

   Hi! I haven't been able to compose blogs around this blogging site :) I guess you could say I'm not really much of a blogger. But reading some of a friend's blog made me think of blogging again. Well, I have quite a few news. I move out of my parents house and I am visiting to get all of my stuffs.I've looked under mine and my sister's bed, the drawers, the closets and the boxes. And pretty much every corner of our room. It was very clean when I got here, but now everything is everywhere. It is quite a mess for now, okay A LOT  of mess for now.
   In the process of finding all of the stuff that I had accumulated, I found my important notes, my journal, my drawings although not as good as a 6 year old's drawing, my souvenirs, remembrance, my theocratic parts, my pictures and all of the sorts. It's amusing how you had no idea on the amount of things you have till you actually dig in under your bed! But I just have so many notes hidden under my bed that it is really not rational to bring them along with me, neither do I have the courage to just throw them away. Wondering why I am writing about this? Well, it's because I thought, I could type them all here online, that way I can reread them whenever I want without the burden of carrying them around. Yes, I know the risks, so I am not going to put  too personal notes in here.
   I hope my english isn't that horrible for you guys to understand, pardon my mistakes. 

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