Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hero Essay

Here's an essay from my writing on the wild side (wows) class with Ms. Love. Dated January 5th 2011

    The society around us is the most influential factor on how we view things in life. Even though we look for different qualities of a hero, there are some aspects of our ideas that are affected by the society circling us. Back to the time of Anglo-Saxon, wars and battles was part of their life. With that kind of environment a warrior who is loyal, skilled and courageous has the qualifications of being a hero. But as great amount of time passed, the environment perhaps society has changed and along with it a hero's qualifications has changed as well.. Society reached the enlightenment period in the middle-ages, therefore people valued different kinds of expressing ideas, thought, emotions through arts, literature and music. A person's qualification for a hero in this time were those artists, philosophers and poets. The majority of today's generation thinks of someone famous either from sports or from Hollywood walking on a red carpet and surrounded by bright flashing lights as their hero.  Someone who is wealthy and on the front page of a newspaper or perhaps magazines. But really, a hero could simply be your friend, parents, close relatives or even your dog! They do not have special powers like superman or spider man, but sure enough they've done something which helped you become a better person, therefore continue living life.
    I couldn't say that I am not affected by the technology and multi-media generation today. But I am sure that my values and outlook in life does not revolves in my generation's kind of society. I am just a normal girl with a simple life and my hero is just like me. I do believe that anyone can be a hero depending on what they do for you that would qualify. My hero is a good listener, she absorbs every details of my story patiently before reacting. By doing so, I felt that I am important to her and that my thoughts and opinions are worthy of hearing. She is a responsible daughter, sister and friend. She never confuses those responsibility that she has and she always deal with those with a happy spirit.
   One early morning, I went to her house and saw her doing laundry, while cooking for her family. I wasn't suppose to be there, but I really was bored and decided to hang out with her so early. I have forgotten that she has responsibilities to take care of. But despite all of those, she did not shooed me away, and instead let me in and she continued what she was doing. There I saw how she worked hard on doing her task as a daughter and got it done without a single complain! She dressed her little sister for school after doing her chores and dropped her off to school. Of course I was with her the entire time and she didn't send me away. I appreciated all of her hard work very much. And even though I am younger than her by four years, she listens and accepts all my criticism and tried very hard to change whatever unnecessary things that she has. She become my hero because she made me realize that things going in the world is not an enemy but actually part of life and living. She taught me to approach life with a positive spirit, She is always there inspiring me. Because of what I had seen from her examples, I became a better person with a better outlook in life.
   Ancient times, Middle-Ages and Multi-Media heroes were special people capable of either protecting, helping or inspiring common people. The process of inspiring may vary from saving life with sword through winning sports to glamour and camera lights, still the effect for those people admiring them will be the same. My hero is completely different from those heroes mentioned earlier but they are similar in a way.My hero affects me in the same way those hero affected the common people. They've been admired for their achievements. But we could never ever force someone to admire the person whom we think is a hero to be theirs too. Because each and everyone of us have different perspective, morals and values in life. We don't see eye-to-eye. They don't feel the way we feel and they do not have the same attachment to that person the way we do. No one could see our hero the way ourselves do. But everybody has their own hero.

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